Scott Leibenguth- Mediator

Scott Leibenguth is one of the Northwest’s most highly acclaimed family law mediators. With more than 25 years of experience serving the needs of families in the Portland and surrounding Oregon areas, Scott has proven himself a leader in the field. Here are some of the comments made by previous mediation clients:


“You really saved us today.  I was sure everything was going to fall apart and you saved us!  Thank you so much and our children thank you as well!”

– Ann, from Portland, Oregon.

“You really got us and gave us a chance to get this thing right.  I cannot thank you enough!”

-Bob, from Beaverton, Oregon.

“I do not know how you did it, but you got us a deal that makes sense.  I am sorry, I know I got a bit hot at first.  But you brought both of us back to earth and got it done!  You are the man! Thank you.”

– Jeffery, from Oregon City, Oregon.

“Scott, we were headed towards an all out legal war.  Thank you for coaching us through those tough times and mediating a fair settlement.”
– Daniel, from NW Portland, Oregon.

“Scott, we were in such crisis!  Thank you for organizing us as we worked to settle our own divorce.”
– Becky, from NW Portland, Oregon.

“Scott, this was not easy for us!  Thank you for helping us finally hear and understand each other.  Our new co-parenting agreement is working for all of us now.”
– Steve and Kim, from Albany, Oregon.

“Scott, you worked so hard!  Thank you so so much!  We would have never settled our divorce had we not found you!  You are a mediator Extraordinaire!”

-Stephanie, from Portland, Oregon.


*Any result that the endorsed lawyer or law firm may achieve on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate that similar results can be obtained for other clients.