If possible, it’s a good idea to discuss divorce mediation with your soon-to-be ex-spouse before either of you retain a divorce attorney. Many clients call my office after they’ve spent a great deal of money hiring a divorce lawyer. Divorce attorneys are paid to be your zealous advocate often taking an aggressive stance – its what divorce lawyers are trained to do! Sometimes divorce lawyers unintentionally create a battle the clients didn’t ask for. Regardless of the reason, if aggressive legal tactics create unnecessary anger at the beginning of the divorce, it may be harder for you to obtain a cheap divorce.
Understand, you will have a chance to discuss your case with your divorce attorney after divorce mediation begins and after both parties have agreed on a process for bringing divorce lawyers into the mediation process with settlement as their goal.
What to Say to Your Spouse to Get Started in Divorce Mediation
I suggest you tell your spouse that divorce mediation is cheaper and faster than a traditional divorce. Tell your spouse that divorce mediation allows you to make your own decisions about your children and your assets rather than turning those decisions over to lawyers and judges. Also tell your spouse that divorce mediation is private and if they decide they do not like mediation, they can at any time stop and jump into a traditional divorce. And if you can…ask your spouse to review our web site. You both can call my office and ask for a consultation either together or separately. During our consultation appointment, we will discuss mediation and all the other alternative divorce processes available.